



AVA Campus TV Station

Professional keyer

Professional blue/green background precision image without defect, without distortion Perfect synthesis with virtual background to achieve high quality output

Multiple recording

Supports remote network video signal access to realize remote field connection Provide real-time recording live broadcast to meet the diversified campus news.

On-demand switch

Built-in static background library for independent management Real - time application of computer signal dynamic background

Product feature

AE-K6+ is an AVA virtual studio host that even primary school students can easily handle! As the core equipment of campus TV station, AE-K6+ can process image capture, audio control, video recording and storing simultaneously. AE-K6+ has combined console mixer, subtitle background, control station and non-linear editing software into its comprehensive program director interface, where all operation steps can be accomplished by several simple clicks.

Product Specification
Embedded system design, highly integrated with live video streaming, video recording, and program directing;
Supports multiple inputs of 1080P HD video signal, including SDI camera signal and HDMI/VGA signal;

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